
无论是在楼梯、露台还是阳台上,通常都需要栏杆。但是,它非常耗时,而且事后通常不能灵活更改。该系统可让您放置一个100%程序化的栏杆,该栏杆用途 广泛且 无损。有了这个系统,仅根据每个组件的不同样式,就可以将6400 多种组合放在一起。这些只是不同的风格!不同的高度、宽度、杆数、材料等允许 无限组合!

Whether on a staircase, a terrace or a balcony – a railing is very often needed. However, it is very time-consuming and usually cannot be flexibly changed afterwards. This system lets you place a 100% procedural railing that is very versatile and non-destructive.With this system, more than 6400 combinations can be put together just based on the different styles per component. And these are only the different styles! Different heights, widths, number of bars, materials, etc. allow infinite combinations!


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